Friday, July 30, 2010

Writing/editing day!

Went to my writing group on Thursday and read a mildly edited piece.  Wowzers it was a real stinker.  Course my group was truly supportive (gotta love em). 

What do you do when you have a not so good read?
 Buy a book of course.  So I bought "Bird by Bird" by  Anne Lamott.  She has a chapter called shitty first drafts that I would absolutely suggest anyone out there who wants to write, read.

With that said I edited my first 4 pages today.  I will probably re-edit those same 4 pages tommorrow and then move to something I will have to read next week so I can stop feeling the need to point out the crappiness as I read. 
I am telling myself I can drive from LA to DC in the dark with the headlights on.  I only have to do a little bit and the end will still be the end.  Thanks Anne for the advice!


  1. You have wonderful, memorable characters and truly fantastic dialog. Don't give up, whatever you do. Keep editing. (Editing isn't easy, though, don't you think?)

  2. See what did I tell you supportive bunch! Thanks
