I asked David what he would be most embarrased about if we had like secret footage of our family. (LOL ok now you know what kind of wierdo I am that I ask my poor spouse these types of questions) Anyway my answer was what I feed our family. Now in my defense we are not TERRIBLE but we do like our goodies. We also do a lot of prepackaged kids snacks (some ok, fruit leather other granola bars not so ok) I have spent the last few weeks ODing on books and movies making my head spin about proper nutrician.
Sophia, Logan and I always do a smoothie on Sunday’s kind of our thing. On the internet I went, so Phia could see what other people were putting in their smoothies. This stuff gets her motivated. I happened across this web site.
Yeah a challenge! I actually made my smoothie Green with frozen spinach (fresh is better but it's what I had) Sophia’s was peach, no green yet, but she gave mine a taste and liked it so maybe next time.
Happy Foody's challenge is...
• Drink at least 16 oz. of green smoothie per day (a quart would be even better!)
• Do some sort of activity every day. This could be an intense workout, or just dancing with your kids around the living room. It could be a 15 minute yoga session or a walk around the block.
• Add a green leafy salad to your lunch or supper (with light dressing…stay away from the creamier sauces).
• Stop drinking pop.
• Cut out all white sugar. (This one is the kicker for me but for 30 days I think I can make a stab at it!)
Anyone out there willing to give it a go??
I also went to natures and bought some snacks for the kids that I can feel good about.