Monday, January 4, 2010


Christmas gift from my mother-in-law.  One for each of the kids.  They were her grandmothers.  I mean doesn't get any better then that.

I am a lover of "The Secret" I know, think what you will...
Today I ran across the original or, sort of original speech.  It's rates as one of my coolest!

Some words I took from his speech that hit home for me.

Let your mind soar.
Believe and succeed.
Don't build a stairway to nowhere have a plan.
Wake up and live.
Act as though you can't fail.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice it is conformity.

These are not direct quotes they are written from my notes.  If you have a spare 30 min. I would recommend listening. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the new picture at the top. The dolls look like one my mother got for me at a school fair. Brings back memories.

