Saturday, January 7, 2012

Busy hands means messy fun!

We had a late start this week which meant I got to drive Sophia to school and come home and play.  I asked Logan what do you want to do and he said "day yo" luckily he signs this one clearly (whew).  He didn't want play dough out of the container he wanted to "ak momma ak."  So we did.  It brought back so many memories of when Sophia was 2.  It's hard... I think back to all the lovely times I had with Sophia crafting and doing with two well life seems to get the better of ya.  I know he learns way more from her then he does from me, luckily she is a good teacher. 
urr momma urr

(Momma has to stir it on the stove and if you haven't discovered nesting bowls that won't break are and awesome toy)

cut cut cut ash ash ash (cut and smash)

A day alone with the wee one was really just what the doctor ordered. 

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