Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sugar HIGH!

Today was our annual candy making fest.  Had a wonderful time as usual great company and great candy.
Our host Gini, Maggie's Mom. Holding Maggie's youngest Mitch. 

We always have a super lunch.  This year made by Jo Potato soup.  Birthday cake for Jo and Suzanne brownie cheese cake.

Greatest Gift EVER!!  No pic will do later when I can think.  A recipe scrap book with pics of the whole gang!!!  Stupendous!

We did a lot of this...

And then at the end there was a lot of sorting like this

There was one small little whoopsie daisy and a stray foot landed here.

Then is was time to say goodbye and head on home. 

Sugar Crash has officially hit and I feel as though my brains are dancing the  two step.  Some water, a good meal and a good dose of sleep and I will be good as new.  I am sure glad we do this every year what a wonderful group of women!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Well, not so much the sugar high. I know how those are, but the yummy making and eating part... fun!
    Your blog is going good and fun to read. How did your NaNo book go? I got the flu and couldn't finish. Lost three full writing days and couldn't catch up. Anyway, hope you had better luck!?
